Saturday, March 24, 2007

self introduction!!!

Hi all! I am Lim Yi Jia from 08/07! This is a brief self-introduction of mine, and to speak the truth,I don't really like to have a blog. =x I used to create one but after a few posting, i deleted my account! I don't have the habit of writing dairy u see.

Well, let me start by telling you a little about where i came from. My previous secondary is Kranji Secondary and i joined ELDDS during my secodary school times. This year, i joined the Chinese Ochestra in AJC and the instrument I play is Er Hu. I know it seems that only old man would want to choose this instrument but i truly have a great interest in it! (Could it be I'm old at heart???!!!) I've attended two sessions of practices this week and i really had a great time learning the Er Hu from my seniors!

Besides having an interest in Er Hu, I'm a fan of manga and animes! What drew my attention are the drawngs of the mangas and animes. Though I do not have the skills of Da vin ci, i will still try to draw some characters from the mangas.(Sadly, they drawings aren't goodT.T)

Among all the animes that I'd watched, my favourite is Full Metal Alchemist. The story of this anime is not as cheerful and optimistic like other animes like One Piece. Instead, it is full of provocative questions and sentences that makes you think deeper about what we may never notice in life. I enjoy thinking about these questions as you may find a totally different view to things.

Lastly, i shall share a little on my character. Actually, I'm an introvert. Though I am able to make new friends and fit in comfortably in a new environment, having personal time with myself is very important to me. I like to spend the time alone as it clears one mind and is the best time for some introspection. So if anyone interups me durig this time I'lll most probably be very annoyed with them and ask them to LEAVE!! WAHAHAHHA!!

Hope you enjoy reading my first entry!!


JonLeo said...
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Charmaine:D said...

Hello :D I love reading your blog :) And my brother was from AJC too he graduated last year:)