Sunday, May 27, 2007

Any form of punishment that is effective in maintaining law and order is justified. Do you agree?

In hope to maintain effective law and order, different form of punishment is introduced. However, it does not mean that any form of punishment that is effective in maintaining law and order is justified.

Some form of punishment is not justified, as they are inhuman. For example, the use of torture to get information from prisoners is a form of punishment that is never justified. One of the infamous torture treatments is the torture used on the prisoners by Japanese soldiers during World War 2. Hot iron bars scalded prisoners or a hose is placed in their mouth and water was forced into their stomach. Often the prisoners suffer from physical torture, resulting in deaths of many. The prisoners’ lives were put at risk so as to gain information of other suspects or to force the prisoners to confess to crimes that they commit. The public condemns such inhumane treatment as though the prisoners may commit a crime yet they should not suffer from punishments that jeopardise their life. Therefore, any form of punishment that is effective in maintaining law and order is not justified.
In addition, some form of punishment is immoral. A young child is taught to value life and respect all forms of living. If a young child is able to practice that, the more should the educated officials deciding the form of punishment to be seen carrying out such morally right behaviour. Using the use of torture as an example, the use of punishment is not justified in this case as one’s life is put at risk or even seen as invaluable. It is morally wrong as one was treated unfairly and cruelly. Moreover, a person’s life is definitely more precious than gaining information from the prisoner.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

early NS enlistment as punishment for youth offender

article : early NS enlistment for some youth offenders by Tracy Sua, the straits time 19 may.

Male youth offenders aged between 16 and 18 may get enlisted in to NS earlier. This is another form of punishment for youth offenders as it is believe that by enlisting the youth offenders earlier, it will bring some form discipline into their lives at early stage. However, early enlistment to NS is mostly for youth offenders in probation. Those with more serious offences and judged by the court to need reformative training are not offered early enlistment.

Form my perspective, earlier enlistment to NS will offer better discipline to the youth that committed small offences and change their behaviour. In this way, early enlistment to NS will also achieve the aim of helping the youth offenders in having a more positive attitude and behaviour. It is known to all that NS training is tough and it requires strict discipline. Thus, the youths are able to receive better discipline and help to shape them into a better person.

Besides that, early enlistment to NS may be more efficient than other ways of punishment. For example, serving nine months in a hostel may not have a better impact in changing the character of the offenders than receiving training in NS. The discipline training from these two places differs greatly thus affecting how much impact it leaves on the youth offenders’ character and behaviour.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Is it necessary to pay 10 cent for a plastic bag?

Article: Plastic bags are not the enemy by Andy Ho, The Straits Times May 12.

Is it necessary for the public to pay 10 cents for a plastic bag you use when shopping? It may seem ridiculous to some but this is done in hope to get consumers to cut down the use of plastic bags in Singapore. Besides Singapore, many other countries have their own practices in order to reduce the use of plastic bags. Some countries, like Ireland, paper bags are used instead of plastic bags. However, as stated in the article, the use of paper bags is even more environmental less friendly than using plastic bags. For example, two paper bags are used so as to prevent the paper bags from tearing. This resulted in more wastage and since paper is used, it means that using paper bag will cause an increase in demand for more wood, hence worsen the situation of deforestation.

It is also noted in the article that plastic bags are incinerated instead of being dumped off in the landfills. Hence, plastic bags do not pose a problem to Singapore in terms of taking up too much space to dispose them. However, we should not view the problem only in Singapore’s context. Singapore is not the only country that uses plastic bags. If we were to take into consideration of the usage of plastic bags around the world, we face a serious environmental problem. Other countries may not incinerate the used plastic bags; the plastic bags could be thrown into landfills and buried with other rubbish. Hence, by reducing the usage of plastic bags in Singapore, we may be contributing much to the environment.
So what to do without plastic bags? One may consider bringing their shopping bags when shopping since it is reusable and durable. It also helps to cut down the use of plastic bags and encouraging others to bring their shopping bags, as it becomes a norm.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Teens Internet users having the wrong set of values.

Source: The Sunday Times
Article: Armed, online and dangerous.

Teens Internet users now uses the ratings of how many visited their web page as a marker for their popularity. However, they accolades for cruelty as the more malignant the post, the higher the number of viewers there are.

There are already cases of teens Internet users that posted violent videos or insensitive remarks. For example, earlier in March, an eight-minute video clip of a teen bashing up another boy was posted to YouTube. The viewing rates are high and there are even more cases of such violent videos proceeding this. It is to note that teens nowadays have more choices of sharing their views. Thus, what they discuss or posted on net need not to be accountable to anyone beside themselves. The results? Insensitive or morally wrong comments are posted. Hence, there is a need for parental guidance in the usage of the Internet to prevent the teens Internet users from posting more malignant remarks and violent videos.
Online anonymity further worsen the situation of the use Internet by the teens Internet users as they may escape being caught by anyone for making malignant comments. Physical abuse like those shown in videos on YouTube is just one of the way that teens Internet users revenge on their mates. Besides physical abuse, the teen users could easily bully one by commenting negative remarks and post it on their blogs. A Sunday Times surveyed 32 youngsters aged 13 to 18 on their cyber habits. It is found that nine out of the 32 surveyed felt that it was okay to make such negative comments on someone online. Thus, steps should be taken to correct the mindset of the teens Internet users that shares the same thought. Ultimately, the future of the country relies on the teens today and they should share values that are morally right.